- 19th July 2023
Modified Three Needle Bind Off

Aeolian Top
This is the second of two tutorials for the Aeolian top. To mirror the chain edge created by the Crochet Cast-On we used a Modified 3-Needle Bind-Off at the side seams. This eliminates the purl bumps and gives a very flat chain edge. It involves a cat’s cradle of yarn and a bit more needle manipulation than the standard 3-Needle Bind-Off but it’s very satisfying to work and the end result very neat indeed!

The modified 3-Needle Bind-Off creates a chain edge at the side seams from the underarm to the hem
You will need a spare needle of the same size as the working needles, I used a double pointed needle which I find easier as it’s nice and short and doesn’t flap around too much. If you are used to long needles then go ahead and use those. For visibility in the tutorial I used a contrast yarn rather than the working yarn. Click on the video to follow the cast-off technique, we’ve also taken a still shot of each step.

Insert the spare needle into the first stitch on the left hand needle as if to knit. Wrap the yarn around the needle as if to knit but don’t draw the yarn through.

Insert your spare needle into the first stitch on the back needle as if to purl. Wrap the yarn as if to purl and draw the yarn through, but don’t take the stitch off the needle.

Take the yarn to the back of the work between the needles.

Pull the loop through the first stitch on the front needle.

Lift the second stitch on the right hand needle over the first stitch to bind off the stitch in the usual way. Repeat from the first step to bind off all stitches.